Data Services

Five hands with organized (a single color grouping of candies in each hand) skittles in each representing organized data.

The Data Services team provides support to Washington University users across campuses, schools, and disciplines.

Core Services

  • Data Sourcing
  • Data Management, Sharing & Curation
  • Data Exploration & Visualization
  • 3D/AR/VR
  • Digital Humanities
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

For all services listed, we offer help desk support, research guides, resources, workshops, and 1:1 consultations.

Help Desk

Students at a data workshop in one of the Instruction Rooms on Olin Library Level A.

Data Services staff are available to assist you directly. Help desk support is available at the hours below via Zoom:

  • Mondays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Tuesdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Thursdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

We are also available by appointment. Please reach out to us via the Data Services Appointment Request Form.

If users access the help desk in the final few minutes, our team may have to schedule an appointment rather than provide on-the-spot consultation.


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Data Savvy Courses & DataLab Workshops

Data Services offers a number of foundational and helpful ways to learn more about data tools through the University Libraries. Data Savvy Courses are a set of self-paced courses delivered through Canvas and DataLab Workshops provide a breath of workshops from the basics of understanding data to working with data tools.

Our Team

Data Curator in Residence

Data Services’ Data Curation Residency Program equips the resident with deep knowledge of the data sharing and review process. Residents bring their domain expertise and will learn through training, shadowing, and mentorship data curation methods, and apply it in their work.

The current Data Curator in Residence is Chemistry Subject Librarian Rhiannon Iha.

  • Staff photo of Rhiannon Iha.


    Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Librarians
    Rhiannon Iha
    Job Title
    Chemistry Subject Librarian
    Phone Number
    (314) 935-4818
    Make Appointment
    Make an Appointment