MLA Citations Made Easy
Learn more about MLA citations and find out what needs to be included in a citation. We can also answer...
Please note that the Libraries have special hours and closed days for Fall Break. See the Library Hours page for all locations and details.
Learn more about MLA citations and find out what needs to be included in a citation. We can also answer...
Has this ever happened to you? While searching for sources you find a news article that looks perfect for your...
The Libraries offer access to over two million print books, with more available through MOBIUS and interlibrary loan. Join us...
Students are invited to come learn about the Libraries’ catalogs and services to find textbooks and other course materials for their...
Students are invited to come learn about the Libraries’ catalogs and services to find textbooks and other course materials for their...
Is it possible to tell stories with figures and abstract forms? Can diagrams relate conflicts, meetings of minds or disagreements?...
Learn how to use Tableau to create tables, graphs, charts, and thematic maps. This workshop is intended for people with...
Learn about freely available data sources for socio-economic, demographic, health, public policy, market, and environmental research. Particular emphasis will be...
Drop in for a collaborative digital transcribe-a-thon in celebration of Frederick Douglass’s birthday. We will be transcribing the correspondence of Frederick...
The end of ArcMap has come. Make sure your maps and spatial data do not get left behind. Join us...
Join us to learn best practices for documenting data, documentation tools, and work on documentation of a dataset. Free and...
Data can be messy. Researchers commonly lament the amount of time spent preparing data before any analysis can take place....