Subject Librarians
Subject Librarians at WashU Libraries strive to be attuned to the research needs of all WashU programs and departments.
Subject Librarians, A-Z
Subject Librarians, by Subject
Librarian Services
These are just some of the services your subject librarians can provide.
Research Services
Consult with faculty and students about their research needs. Advise and instruct them about the library tools and specialized services that meet those needs.
Exhibitions and Events
Promote library services and collections to departments or programs. Assist in executing exhibitions and special events.
Serve as a liaison to faculty, students, and the community beyond WashU. Identify, meet, and facilitate ongoing communication about users’ resource and service needs.
Teaching and Learning
Collaborate with colleagues within and beyond the libraries on delivering, planning, and assessing strategic and effective instruction and learning materials.
Collection Development
Develop, maintain, and manage distinct collections. Support research and instruction with relevant resources.
Research Data
Maintain a working knowledge of issues in the research data lifecycle: conceptualization, analysis, visualization, management, sharing, and curation. Help identify applicable tools.
Scholarly Communication
Inform and educate our community about scholarly communications, including open-access publishing, public access practices, and options for publishing and sharing research.
If you have any questions about Subject Librarians or subjects not listed here, please reach out to the Head of the Humanities, Social Science, and Area Studies Resource Group Christie Peters; the Head of the Science, Technology, and Engineering Resource Group Lauren Todd; or to Head of the Distributed & Departmental Libraries Rina Vecchiola.