New Trial Access to Latin American Periodical Collection
The Washington University Libraries have a trial subscription to the database Latin American Anarchist and Labor Periodicals Online.
This collection contains the periodicals that were accumulated by the Austrian anarchist, historian, and collector Max Nettlau (1865-1944), together with several later additions, held at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. It contains 971 Latin American anarchist and labor periodicals.
The collection of the IISH provides a richness of documentation pertaining explicitly to the formative anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist episode (1890-1920) in the history of Latin American labor movements.
The database includes the Argentine periodicals La Protesta, La Vanguardia, and Acción Obrera; the Brazilian periodicals O Exempio, Jornal do Povo, and Battaglia; the Chilean Voz del Mar; and the Mexican Ariete, Redención Obrera, Revolución Social, and El Sindicalista.
The trial runs through April 2. If you have feedback or questions about the database, please contact subject librarians Walter Schlect or Michael Schaefer.