World Autism Month In celebration of World Autism Month and World Autism Acceptance Day, this exhibition shares a circulating, curated collection of books....
2024 Open Education Week: Addressing Practical Approaches to Issues of Textbook Affordability for Students The 2024 Open Education Week exhibition highlights the Textbook Central event series.
The Grocery List Collection Have you ever found a stranger’s grocery list at the store? Bill Keaggy has amassed almost 4,000 of them over...
Football Programs These football programs were printed for each game and chronicle the history of Bears Football, giving a taste of campus...
Stanley Elkin’s “Pieces of Soap” In 1990 novelist Stanley Elkin published an essay about his “accumulation” of travel soaps. Published in Art & Antiques magazine,...
2023 Open Education Week: An Exhibition on WashU Student Advocacy for Access to Affordable Textbooks This year's Open Education Week display highlights student advocacy's role in raising awareness of affordability issues and the needs of...
Wherein I Am: Highlights from the Aaron Coleman Papers The "Wherein I Am" exhibition examines the literary papers of Aaron Coleman with highlights from the collection and Aaron's life....
Inherent Vice: Preserving Vulnerable Collections The Inherent Vice exhibition showcases damaged items from WashU Libraries' collections to explain conservation efforts.
50 Years of Title IX 50 Years of Title IX features original materials highlighting WashU events in the ever-evolving journey toward gender-based equality.
Shakespeare in Hand From love sonnets to insults, the miniature books featured in Shakespeare in Hand are perfect for having Shakespeare on hand...
Beauty in Enormous Bleakness: The Design Legacy of the Interned Generation of Japanese Americans This exhibition explores architecture's relationship to immigration, exclusion, and cultural identity in the post-war landscape of the 20th-century United States.
The Play’s the Thing: Shakespeare in Special Collections The Play's the Thing exhibition celebrates the 400-year anniversary of the first folio and the reach of Shakespeare's influence.