Digital Search Tools

Cloth-gloved hands are readying a film on a reel.

The WashU Libraries are committed to the mission of being an interactive hub of information resources, expertise, services, and relationships that advance research and learning. To offer the fullest scope of information technology, the Libraries seek to provide access to digitized material and scholarship produced at WashU.

WashU Libraries’ websites for film and media, images, and scholarship offer access to these digital materials. The Libraries have worked with faculty and other partners to create and maintain several online projects and/or collections; access to these is made possible through Washington University’s open-source platforms.

Search Tools for Digital Materials

Researchers can get digital access to various collections from the University Libraries and elsewhere, including digitized material and scholarship produced at Washington University.

  • Ares (Electronic Reserves) | An online portal with access to electronically held course reserves.
  • Image Collections & Exhibitions (Omeka) | A secure repository hosting digital versions of some of the Washington University Libraries’ collections and exhibitions.
  • HathiTrust Digital Library | A digital library partnership aiming to digitize, preserve, and increase online access to collections. HathiTrust includes full-text access to over 6.5 million volumes in the public domain.

Audio + Video

Film slides or stills. In one still are somber faces drawn and shaded in pen. Another slide reads "Scene #7 Flames Begin."

Contact the Curator of Film and Media to search the Film & Media Archive.


A photo of a crane amongst a construction site with building materials while a horse and carriage trot in the street. The site is to be an office building for the Monward Realty Company and was designed by Eames & Young, whose collection the Libraries' hold. The photo is dated 1913.

JSTOR is a collection of nearly 2 million images from WashU Libraries collections.

Open Scholarship

Open Scholarship repository provides free access to WashU scholarly output.