Carpet Replacement in Level 2 of Olin Library
Update: As of August 15, 2023, Olin Library Level 2 has resumed access as usual.
Collection materials on level 2 of John M. Olin Library are inaccessible this summer to accommodate a much-needed carpet replacement project. The Washington University Libraries are installing new carpeting on level 2 from May 24 through mid-August. This project affects call number ranges G, H, and L, broadly including the Geography, Anthropology, Social Sciences, and Education collections.
Level 2 is closed to users and the level 2 collections are unavailable for browsing for the project’s duration. Please request needed materials through the Library Catalog for pick-up at any University Libraries location during this time. Collections on all other levels of Olin Library and other campus libraries will remain accessible as normal.
The Olin Library Serenity Room is also temporarily unavailable until level 2 reopens later in August. Please see the WashU Spaces for Prayer and Reflection page to explore other campus prayer, meditation, and reflection spaces.
The study rooms on level 2 are also closed for the project’s duration. Patrons are encouraged to use other available study rooms in Olin Library and the distributed libraries.
The University Libraries will share additional updates as the project continues and in the event of significant changes in timeline or impact. If you have questions, please reach out to Paul McArthur, manager of library user space planning, at (314) 935-7726, paul.m@wustl.edu.