International Writers Series: Mona Kareem
Join the International Writers Series for an evening of poetry in translation with poet, translator, and scholar Mona Kareem. She...
Join the International Writers Series for an evening of poetry in translation with poet, translator, and scholar Mona Kareem. She...
If you are applying for research funding opportunities, you will likely be asked to write a data management plan. This...
What is meant by research data? How is data generated? How is it shared and accessed? How do I know...
Attention Zotero users! Experienced any challenges or vexing mysteries while using Zotero? Bring your questions to this workshop for one-on-one problem...
Do you need to cite that the United States landed on the moon in 1969? Is it necessary to cite...
Have you ever looked at a bibliography and wondered which were books and which were scholarly articles? Join us to learn...
Even though academic publishing, traditional publishing, and self-publishing and the writing material associated with each have very different practices, there...
Attention Zotero users! Experienced any challenges or vexing mysteries while using Zotero? Bring your questions to this workshop for one-on-one...
Do I need to cite that the United States landed on the moon in 1969? Is it necessary to cite...
Have you ever looked at a bibliography and wondered which were books and which were scholarly articles? If so, then join...
Even though academic publishing, traditional publishing, and self-publishing and the writing material associated with each have very different practices, there...
Missing essential information for citing an article or other source? Collect and organize sources as-you-go and cite with Zotero. In...