A Look at LGBTQ+ Periodicals As part of our continued celebration of LGBT History Month this October, we are highlighting a few of the historic...
National Coming Out Day and the LGBTQ+ Research Collection Yesterday was National Coming Out Day, and to celebrate, we are highlighting one of our most extensive LGBTQ+ collections, the...
Finding the ‘L’ in ‘LGBTQ’: Part 1 In celebration of Pride Month, the Special Collections Blog is highlighting a few of Washington University Libraries’ collections that are...
Finding the ‘L’ in ‘LGBTQ’: Part 2 In celebration of Pride Month, the Special Collections Blog is highlighting a few of Washington University Libraries’ collections that are...
Celebrating Pride Month: The May Swenson Papers In celebration of Pride Month, Special Collections will be highlighting materials in our collections that are by or related to...
LGBTQ St. Louis on the Map Happy 6 Month Anniversary to Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis! Online and freely available to everyone since October 2017, Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis allows...
Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis is Now Online Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis is a digital interactive map exploring how the region’s LGBTQIA+ communities have changed over time.
Letter to ONE, from St. Louis In 1958, a St. Louis resident who identified himself as “Mr. H” wrote to the editors of ONE, the first LGBTQ...
Where Was That? : Using Travel Guides to Reconstruct LGBTQ History A key challenge as we researched Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis was locating street addresses. Since many bars and restaurants were well...
A Snapshot of St. Louis in the Era of Gay Lib A Snapshot of St. Louis in the Era of Gay Lib: Ciao! Magazine Profiles the Gateway City In June 1974, Ciao!,...
“In This Part of the City, All the Fellows Are Gay:” Exploring the History of LGBTQ Nightlife at St. Louis’s Grand and Olive [3/3] The 3500 block of Olive flourished as an LGBTQ nightlife destination in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. At around the...
“In This Part of the City, All the Fellows Are Gay:” Exploring the History of LGBTQ Nightlife at St. Louis’s Grand and Olive [2/3] Several factors probably played a part in the appearance of an LGBTQ nightlife venue near Grand and Olive in the...