St. Louis Circuit Court Records

Note to the sheriff of St. Louis County regarding the Missouri Fur Company, et. al., versus Thomas James Case, October 1814.

Browse the St. Louis Circuit Court Records and related collections: 

The St. Louis Freedom Suits/Legal Encoding Project was a project of Washington University Libraries and the Missouri History Museum, with contributions from many partners. It was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through a National Leadership Grant in 2009.

This is the project’s temporary home after the retirement of the original project infrastructure in 2022. All the documents can be searched and browsed through Washington University in St. Louis’ digital repository via the links above. Plans are underway to build a new website with advanced search functionality to take full advantage of the legal encoding work. 

The original project site may be accessed through the Internet Archive; please be advised that the original site’s search function is not included in the archived version.