Transition to WUSTL Key for Libraries Research Database
As of Friday (March 17, 2023), the University Libraries database and digital journal access will temporarily revert to the old format. Please contact the WashU IT Help Desk if you have trouble logging in.
In our continued efforts to expand information security, the University Libraries will be transitioning EZproxy authentication for access to online research databases to the campus single sign-on central system. The change will be rolled out on March 13 at approximately 8:30 am. This implementation is critical to ensure reliable and secure access to e-resources.
This change will not affect the Becker Medical Library or Law Library.
Patrons will see the familiar WUSTL key single sign-on authentication (for example, what we see for email, Box, and other services) rather than the EZproxy login page currently in use.

Please contact the WashU IT help desk if you have trouble logging in at (314) 933-3333 or ithelp@wustl.edu. For users who can log into EZproxy but cannot reach a particular online resource or database, please contact the Libraries Help Desk ((314) 935-5420).