New E-resources on Visual History and Newspaper Archives
The University Libraries have recently acquired some new electronic resources to be used for research and study by WashU students and faculty. Here are some details about our newly available and/or expanded databases:
Financial Times consists of the current content of the Financial Times daily newspaper. Financial Times is a leading international newspaper that is well-known for its world business, politics, and economics news, as well as its data visualizations. It includes a full-page display (ePaper) of USA, UK, European, Asian, and Middle East editions. This resource requires SSO (single-sign-on) authentication. Please see the Financial Times entry in the Database A-Z list for instructions on how to create an account using your wustl.edu email. For more information about this resource, please contact business librarian, Felicia Fulks.
North-China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists, 1850-1951 is a full-text database of seven historical English newspapers published in China between 1850 and 1951. It includes comprehensive coverage of the English and Chinese newspapers of The North-China Herald (1850–1941), The North-China Daily News (1864–1951), The Chinese Shipping List & Advertiser (1862–1872), Hu Bao (1882–1908), Han Bao (1894–1900), Xiao Xian Bao (1898–1906), and The North-China Desk Hong Lists (1872–1941). For more information about this resource, please see the North-China Daily News entry in the Database A-Z list or contact East Asian and Chinese studies librarian, Joan Wang.
Visual History Archive is a streaming collection of primary source video testimonies from survivors of and witnesses to genocide, including the: 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda; Anti-Rohingya Mass Violence (August-October 2017); Armenian Genocide (1915–23); Cambodian Genocide (1975–1979); European Holocaust (1939–1945); Guatemalan Genocide (1978–1996); Nanjing Massacre (1937); Central African Republic (2012–present); South Sudan Civil War, (2013-present); contemporary antisemitism against Jews; and war and genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina (1992–1995). Founded by Steven Spielberg, and the largest digital archive of its kind in the world, the VHA offers insight into life before, during, and after the interviewee’s experience with genocide. Click on “Register” and create a unique username/password, which is required to use any “My Projects/Bookmarked Projects/Shared Projects” features. For more information about this resource, please contact Germanic languages & literatures and comparative literature Librarian, Walter Schlect. Read more about the Visual History Archive.
The Times of India offers digitized full text of the world’s most widely circulated English daily newspaper, originally published for English residents in India. The collection includes full page and article images with a searchable full text back to the first issues for the following titles: Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce (1838–1859), Bombay Times and Standard (1860-1861), and Times of India (1861–2010). This historical newspaper collection provides genealogists, researchers, and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time. For more information about this resource, please contact subject librarians AJ Robinson or Michael Schaefer.