The ending scene of the Maid of McMillan film.
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Brown Hall, Auditorium

The Maid of McMillan Screening

Come enjoy a film screening of The Maid of McMillan, a 15-minute silent film written and produced by Washington University in St. Louis students in the Thyrsus Dramatic Club in 1916. Now with an original soundtrack composed by David Drazin, featuring the Washington University alma mater and fight song. Also, hear about grant-funded work to preserve and digitize the film, more about the film itself and WashU at the time, along with an update about activities of the still active Thyrsus Club. Light refreshments will be available.

Free and open to all, registration requested.

Please note: if you have already registered for this event as part of your class reunion registration, you do not need to register again.

Film & Media ArchiveWashington University Archives
The ending scene of the Maid of McMillan film.

The Maid of McMillan Student Film, 1916

The Maid of McMillan is a silent film written and produced by Washington University in St. Louis students in the Thyrsus Dramatic Club in 1916

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