Film, The Living Record of Our Memory Screening
The third documentary sponsored by the Libraries is a topic dear to its mission, the preservation of cultural heritage and shared memories. Inés Toharia’s Film, The Living Record of Our Memory presents a summary of the history and current state of film preservation. The film covers a lot of ground and interviews a wide range of archivists and filmmakers on the need for saving this fragile and spectacular medium. While very focused on movies, the film should be of interest to anyone interested in libraries, historical preservation, and/or old stuff.
Film, The Living Record of Our Memory screens on Saturday, November 20th at 1:00 pm in Brown Hall Auditorium. The Libraries’ Curator of Film and Media, Andy Uhrich, will lead a post-screening discussion on film archiving. It will also be rentable online for Missouri and Illinois residents during the duration of the festival.
Part of the 30th Annual Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival (SLIFF).