Hidden Treasures: Jeweled Bindings in Special Collections The jeweled binding, also known as the treasure binding, is a form of bookbinding that emerged during the Middle Ages...
Fore-Edge Paintings We’ve all heard that you can’t judge a book by its cover, but what about its pages? Today we will...
Reference Volumes on Native American Tribes As we come to the end of Native American Heritage Month, we want to highlight some of the extensive volumes...
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage with Revista Chicano-Riqueña September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month, and we are celebrating by highlighting some of the materials in...
Der Struwwelpeter: A Famous Children’s Book The Julian Edison Department of Special Collections has an extensive collection of children’s books, some of which are over a...
The/rapist: An Artist Book by Maureen Cummins In 1949, a neurologist from Portugal named Egas Moniz won the Nobel Prize for developing the surgical procedure known as the leucotomy....
Cobden-Sanderson and the Doves Press In the early 1880s, Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson left a career in law to become a bookbinder. Cobden-Sanderson was a friend...
University Libraries Receive Grant for Book Arts Mentoring Program Washington University Libraries have been awarded a $12,000 grant from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. The grant will fund a...
Honoring Julian Edison Julian Edison, who passed away last May, was an incredibly influential supporter of Washington University Libraries. Not only was he...
Discovering a 17th Century “Yearbook” As commencement approaches, many of our graduating seniors will soon be circulating their yearbooks, filling them with the signatures of...
Special Collections Celebrates Valentine’s Day on Facebook Live Joel Minor, curator of manuscripts and the Modern Literature Collection, and Cassie Brand, curator of the Rare Book Collections, showcase...
Cordelia Baker: Teaching Bookbinding to Society Women Cordelia Baker began teaching the School of Fine Arts’ first courses in bookbinding and rapidly gained popularity among young society...