Maps & Directions

This page provides maps and directions to the Danforth Campus Libraries and those WashU Libraries not on the Danforth Campus, visitor parking availability, accessible transportation across campus, and more. Please use the Ask Us page for any questions.
Jump to: Danforth Campus Libraries | Directions to John M. Olin Library | West Campus Library Materials | Campus Parking & Accessible Transportation | Public Transit
Danforth Campus Libraries

- John M. Olin Library (Main Library)
- Al and Ruth Kopolow (Business) Library
- Brown School Library
- East Asian Library
- Gaylord Music Library
- Kenneth and Nancy Kranzberg Art & Architecture Library
- Law Library
Download a Danforth Campus Libraries Map (PDF).
View a map of our Drive-up Book Drops (PDF).
Explore additional details about all 9 WashU Libraries locations.
WashU Libraries Not on the Danforth Campus
- Bernard Becker Medical Library (660 S. Euclid Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110)
- West Campus Library & Conference Center (7425 Forsyth Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63105)
Directions to John M. Olin Library
Olin Library is located in the center of the Danforth campus; you cannot drive up and park in front of the building. It is west of Brookings Quadrangle, east of Graham Chapel, and northeast of Mallinckrodt Center/Edison Theater. See a map of the Danforth Campus.
Bike racks are plentiful on the north and south sides of Olin Library.
When planning your route via online map services (Google Maps, etc.), choose your destination as Danforth University Center at 6475 Forsyth Ave., St. Louis, MO 63130. Olin Library is a short walk from the Danforth University Center complex.
See the Olin Library Collection Locations page for building floor plans.
West Campus Library Materials
The Dowd Illustration Research Archive (DIRA), Film & Media Archive, and Preservation Unit are located at West Campus. If you are unable to place a request in the library catalog or need further assistance with West Campus Library materials, contact the Offsite Collections Access unit via email ( or by phone at (314) 935-5465.
West Campus Library is located a half-mile west of the Danforth Campus near the Forsyth Metrolink stop. West Campus Library is located at 7425 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, 63105.
Visitor Parking
Guests are encouraged to park in the East End, Danforth University Center (DUC), Millbrook, Snow Way, and West Campus garages. Each garage is equipped with gate-arm technology, and visitors must pull a ticket at the entrance and park in a designated visitor space to gain access. Charges are incurred by the hour and must be paid before exiting at a pay station or via a pay lane attendant.
Off-Hours Visitors
Visitors who will be parking on campus during weekends (between 5 pm Friday and 7 am Monday) are permitted to park in yellow zones without displaying a parking permit. While there are no costs to park in any yellow or visitor spaces within the DUC, Snow Way, Millbrook, or West Campus garages after 5 pm, visitors will still be required to pull a ticket to gain access.
Danforth Campus Accessible Transportation
Visitors with accessibility needs can request assistance from Danforth Campus Accessible Transportation. Pre-authorization is required; to learn more or to obtain pre-authorization, please call Disability Resources at (314) 935-5970 or the Habif Health & Wellness Center at (314) 935-6666.
Transportation services are operated on a first-come, first-served basis. Every effort is made to serve all passengers requesting service in a timely manner. Please call dispatch at (314) 935-5607 with any questions.
Public Transit
The Danforth Campus is served by the MetroLink Skinker and Big Bend stations and MetroBus stops. See the Metro website for schedule and fare information.
The campus is bounded by Forsyth Boulevard on the south, Skinker Boulevard on the east, Forest Park Parkway on the north, and Big Bend Boulevard on the west.