Duo Authentication for Libraries Resources
In the Libraries’ continuing efforts to expand information security, we will be adding Duo to EZproxy authentication for Libraries e-resources. This change will be rolled out over winter break beginning December 27. This implementation is critical to ensuring that these resources are securely accessible to the university community.
Just as you already login into resources (e.g., Box, Canvas) with your WUSTLKey login, Duo will automatically prompt you to complete your EZProxy login on the devices you are already using for campus Single Sign-On. The DUO prompt will show that you are trying to log in to “LDAPS Duo Proxy.”
If you experience any problems logging into campus resources:
- Try checking your caps lock
- Type your credentials in again (often we see users simply mistype credentials)
- Try clearing the cache of your web browser
- Check the 2FA help site
If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact one of the following systems for help:
- Staff and faculty should consult the IT Help Desk by calling their phone number at (314) 933-3333
- Students should consult the Tech Den at (314) 935-7100
- If you have questions about your Libraries account, call (314) 935-5420 or submit a chat or email via our Ask Us page