New Trial Access to Contemporary German Newspaper
Washington University Libraries are currently trialing the F.A.Z.-Bibilotheksportal and the F.A.Z. 49-92 Archiv. This resource provides full-text access to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the most important contemporary German newspapers. While we currently subscribe to full-text access from 2019 to the present with International Newsstream, this resource trial provides access all the way back to the newspaper’s founding in 1949, and has a number of sophisticated features. Users are able to narrow their search by article type, section, and subject. Searches can be saved and shared with others via a URL. Users can also download PDFs of articles accompanied by the original images that appeared in the print edition (images are typically not included in International Newsstream). Anyone interested in current news on a particular person, business, or topic can create watch lists, which will generate an e-mail alert when a new article appears in that area.
The database will be of interest to anyone in the fields of Germanic Studies, European Studies, and postwar European history. The database is in German, but users can use this English-language fact sheet to familiarize themselves with its features. The trial runs until Friday, November 18. Feedback on the trial (negative or positive) is encouraged and can be sent to Walter Schlect, subject librarian for Germanic Languages & Literatures at wschlect@wustl.edu.