Textbook Ready
This workshop will show students how to reduce textbook costs by using the libraries collections and services.
This workshop will show students how to reduce textbook costs by using the libraries collections and services.
This workshop will cover how to use Zotero to gather references, organize references, and generate formatted citations.
This workshop will focus on creating basic citations and understanding in-text citations.
Learn about how new tech tools can support and improve your research conducting oral history interviews.
This workshop aims to provide newly enrolled students with general introductions about available e-resources provided by WUL in the fields...
Learn how through our extensive collection of ejournal and online newspaper subscriptions, you can avoid the “paywall” barriers of many...
This workshop will be an introduction to using visual collections for research.
This workshop will highlight the features and strengths of two “Zotero Lite” options: ZoteroBib and the Zotero Web Library.
We will cover installing the program, gathering references, organizing your references, and generating formatted citations.